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Nowadays gaming enthusiasts are the new target of hackers. A recent report states that cybercriminals are accessing the data of undisclosed users with the help of popular Trojan malware, a virus. This virus helps hackers to steal a user's system password. Cyber security experts are calling the virus very dangerous. This disability disables two-factor authentication of users and steals sensitive data.
There are many such hacking videos available on YouTube. This virus can enter the data of the user's system and reach the system of the user's friends and relatives.
A new update received by the Trojan in April this year is helping to break the antivirus security. The virus, called AnarchyGrabber 3, is available for free on hacker forums. This is also dangerous because many hacking videos are also available on YouTube. This YouTube video also shows how to steal discord user tokens, according to a report from Belipping Computer. Hackers easily spread Trojans on Disorder.
The virus spreads through the cheat code.
The virus enters users' systems in the form of cheat code, hacking tools or copyright software. Anarkigraber 3 is then installed on the user's computer or smartphone. JavaScript files of the Discord client change after installation. When this happens, the virus starts stealing data from the user's discord token.
Two-factor authentication is disabled when logged in.
Researchers say that Anarcigraber 3 modifies the Discord client's index.js file and loads a malicious Malicious script called 'discordmod.js'. After that, whenever the user tries to log in to the system, he disables the virus in factor authentication.
Hackers also target the hunter's friends and relatives.
After two-factor authentication is compromised, hackers use webhooks to send the user's email ID, login name, user token, plain text password, and IP address to the discord channel. In addition, by ordering cybercrime in hacking, you can gain access to the systems of friends and relatives of users infected with this Trojan virus.
Discord is rapidly gaining popularity.
In less than 5 years, the popularity of the Discord community has grown rapidly among gamers. Discord has 25 crore registered users worldwide. Of these, 1.5 crore users play the game every day. Due to its huge popularity among users, it has become a soft target for hackers.